Our Projects

Clinique les Oliviers
Clinique sidi bouzid
Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital
International Clinic GAMMARTH
Clinique carthagéne
Clinique OKBA
Clinique international Sousse
Tarhuna policlinic
Krankenhaus Landshut-Achdorf
CCBRT private
Universitäts-Herzzentrum Freiburg/Bad Krozingen, Standort Bad Krozingen
Hopital de Valis Sion
Caritas Krankenhaus StJosef Regensburg
Donau-Isar-Klinikum Deggendorf
Kinderkrankenhaus St. Marien Landshut
Kreisklinik Trostberg
Krankenhaus Viechtach

Projects as subcontractor and privat references:


Projects as subcontractor and privat references: HWP
Laboratory (Roche) - Switzerland
Hospital Götzepe 850 bed -Turkey
Hospital Okmaidany 800 bed-Turkey
Hospital Darna 500 bed -Libya
Hospital Sabha 600 bed -Libya
Hospital Shahat 170 bed -Libya
Hospital Msalleta 250 bed -Libya
Hospital Trahouna 250 bed -Libya
Polyclinic Tarhouna -Libya
Hospital Al Khathra Cardio-vasculaire -Libya

Projects for the Information and Medical Technology Center of Heidelberg University Hospital Germany

-Operation department

Projects for TP:

Hospital Murnau Germany
Hospital Viechtach Germany
Hospital Braunschweig Germany
Hospital Regensburg Germany
Hopital Trostbeg Germany
Hospital Gramisch Germany
Hospital Landshut Germany
Hospital Achdorf Germany
Hospital Deggendorf Germany
Hospital CCBRT Tanzania
Hospital CHL Luxembourg
Hospital Sion Switzerland